

One of my favourite things about this time of year is clementine oranges. More specifically, seedless clementines. Earlier this week, our household dove into the third box of the season.

Now let’s be realistic. It’s not out of the ordinary to bite into a seed or two in a box of thirty citrus treats.

So imagine my surprise, and might I add disgust, when this one particular seedless clementine was riddled with SEEDS!!

25 to be exact!!!

25!!!!!! 😳

Twenty-five seeds in an eight segment orange.

That’s three seeds per wedge. WTF!!!!

That’s unacceptable!!!

In that moment I had a choice.

I could choose to focus on the one clementine with 25 seeds and be miserable. Or, I could choose to focus on the two-and-half boxes of eaten clementines that were seedless and be delighted.

Delighted is a much better feeling than miserable isn’t? And, it’s as simple as choice.

What’s your choice today?

PS – I’ve added clementines again to this week’s shopping list. Delighted.